On Monday it was Nucor Day @ Lagoon. Every year Nucor takes us. I was a bit worried we would not be going this year cuz of the economy but to my surprise they took us. It is the best thing ever. They pay for EVERYTHING including tickets, parking, food and even ice cream for your entire family. It rules!! Honestly I don't know how people can afford to take their families there. $42 just to get into the place... Ridiculous!
The kids had a great time as always. We took Klaire half day and she loved it. My mom is awesome and came and got her @ 3:00!! This way we were able to go on the fun rides with Kamberlyn. We hardly saw Kenyon all day. He took a couple of friends with and they roamed the park.
***FYI... Nucor has a drawing for lots of money and a cruise every year. Jon has never won in the 12 years he has worked there. We always joke that they don't put his name in. WELL this year he actually won $100. Then after you can play bingo for more money. Jon won twice..$30 the first time and $20 the second. I guess he had some luck. Maybe he was giving off the birthday vibes!!