Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I've been Tagged!!!

A. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning.

B. Each player answers the questions about themselves.

C. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

10 years ago: I was 20 yr old and had just had my first baby. (Just like you Kalli!)

5 things on my to-do list today:

1. Get the kids to school.

2. Go down to Brigham for an appointment.

3. Go to the Dentist with Kenyon.

4. Take and pick the kids up from art class.

5. Figure out dinner, cook it and the clean it up.

Snacks I enjoy:

1. Any kind of pop (Yes I have an addiction.)

2. Sour patch kids

3. Cherry Chocolates from idle idle

4. Chips and salsa from Chili's

Things I would do if I were suddenly made a billionaire:


2. Build my dream house.

3. Share the wealth with my family.

4. Travel anywhere and everywhere!

5. Get my own personal massage therapist to come do full body massages for Jon and I once a week!!!!!

3 of my bad habits:

1.any kind of Coke

2. I am very stubborn

3. I pop my fingers

5 places I have lived:

1.Willard UT.

2. Garland UT.

3. Tremonton UT.

4. ??

5. Hopefully somewhere more exciting in the future

5 jobs I have had:


2. Matrix Marketing (I took calls from all of you buying a thigh master HA HA).

3. MA @ the Ogden Clinic

4. LPN/RN @ McKay Dee Psych ward (I may have taken care of a few of you!)

5. RN @ Bear River Hospital

4things people don't know about me:

1. I hate to cook. It's not so much the cooking, it's the deciding WHAT to fix and then cleaning it up after.

2. I also have a great love for the town of Salem aka Days.

3. I have to have my checkbook balanced to the penny. It drives me nuts when I am off!!

4. I have been to Australia.

People I am tagging:

1. Candice

2. Kalli

3. Keribeth


Belew said...
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Belew said...

I had know idea that you were a Days fan too we will have to talk!!